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by Sifu Nick Francis

A traditional junk boat sails through the bustling waters of Hong Kong Harbour, with the city's impressive skyline towering in the background.
A traditional junk boat sails through the bustling waters of Hong Kong Harbour, with the city's impressive skyline towering in the background.

Well, it's that time again... time to go back to the VTAA and to Hong Kong.


I know there is no need to explain myself but if it is ok with you, I would like to share a bit on why it is important for me to visit Hong Kong and why I am bringing some of you with me. It's simple really...


I am going to make good on a vision, mission, and purpose.


You see, I find it a great honor to be part of such an amazing Wing Chun family and legacy. We are directly part of the Ip family Wing Chun.Great Grandmaster Ip Man ⟹ Grandmaster Ip Chun ⟹ Master Colin WardIf you call the Lancaster Wing Chun Association your home then you are part of this same family and legacy. 

As part of the legacy of Grandmaster Ip Chun,

The narrative is one of a commitment to excellence.

The narrative is one of committment to family.


If you have been in my orbit for any extended period of time you know that as characters in this story we get to make choices that build this narrative into something exciting, encouraging, empowering and therefore lasting.


The character trait needed to do this is to easy to declare but often a bit more challenging to adhere to and live out.


This essential trait is,


We must always be learning and growing!


I am heading back to Hong Kong because I have a lot more to learn. I am heading back because I want to have a lot more to pass along to you. I am heading back to share time with my family!


In doing this, I believe,


I am following the path taken by those before me to not settle

into becoming the wrong character.


The trip is about the proverbial "Fork in the Road", a choice that determines the type of school we become. Instead of taking the path of ego that leads to pride, I want the path where right attitude is a guide toward humility.


Humility = teachability.

Where one is teachable, the possibilities in life become limitless.


Here is blog I wrote reflecting after my last trip.

Thanks for reading! I hope it is helpful.

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by Sifu Nick Francis


Hanging in my house as a souvenir is a collection of Chinese masks most notably recognized for their role in Chinese history, culture and tradition. I collected several on my first visit to Asia. These masks all have meaning. They all have a role. They explain, in some measure of detail, the background, role and intention of each character used in Chinese Opera.


  • Red masks indicate courage, heroism, bravery as well as loyalty.

  • Yellow masks indicate that the character is evil and cruel.

  • Black masks indicate someone who is neutral.

  • Green masks are used for violent characters.

  • Gold and Silver masks are reserved for supernatural creatures.


As a collection of these masks hang in my personal training room, I was swayed this week to ponder...


Which one best describes the Lancaster Wing Chun Association?


I know what I want my answer to be and it is my hope to create a place where that answer is enthusiastic and obvious. However, I also know that the decision is not only up to me. I know that the LWCA must be more than a building. It must be more than just a martial art school. I know that for it to truly be Wing Chun, it must be more than just self-defense.


Much... much... more!


Therefore, I ask...


Will you help me create a place where we can continue to become the best versions of ourselves?


A place where, 

  • Courage fuels community and learning.

  • Heroism stands against the voice of despair.

  • Compassion crushes indifference.

  • Ego falls to the bravery of humility.

  • Character is more precious than power.


With gratitude, I see us all coming together, week after week, to do just this.


Thank you.


In this shared effort, I trust the outcome will be that our lives are better because of it!

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